1st Corinthians – Wayne Barber/Part 80

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1998
Distinguishing between the gifts of healings and the effecting of miracles.

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1 Corinthians 12:9-10

To Each His Own – Part 3

Distinguishing between the gifts of healings and the effecting of miracles

The first thing on the list of these extraordinary gifts is in verse 9. By the way, they are all joined together to the middle of verse 10. He says in verse 9, “to another faith by the same Spirit.” Without the definite article behind it, it is not referring to the gospel, it is not referring to the word, it is not referring to the faith that we received when we received Christ, but it is referring to the ability, the supernatural ability that God gives us to believe Him in difficult and unbearable circumstances. Everyone is given a measure of faith. That is not what we are talking about. This is something very different from that. This is that supernatural ability. You don’t have it every day of your life. You only have it when God chooses to give it in the midst of something that is literally overwhelming you. It is a gift that God gives to believe Him.

You see this in His men through scriptures. You see it with Peter, you see it with Paul at certain times in their lives, and you see it exercised in such a beautiful way that the glory goes on to be with the Lord. It may be in the face of resisting the enemy, the adversary, the devil. It may be in the area of facing life-threatening circumstances. Whatever it is, it is not something you commonly have. You have faith, but this is that supernatural ability to believe Him, as chapter 13 says, if it has to be even to remove mountains. That is what he is talking about. Now, whatever the circumstances may be, whatever it is, God chooses to give this gift of faith to this one or that one.

Now, there is a list here in 12:9-10, and they connect together. Have you ever noticed when you study that either Peter or Paul, when they make a list, the first thing they say is very important to the rest of the things they say in that list? You say, “What do you mean?” Galatians 5:22 says, “The fruit of the Spirit is love.” Have you ever realized how the rest of that verse ties in and explains what that love does and how that love acts? Peter says over in 1 Peter 2, “Therefore, lay side all malice.” What is malice? He gives you four definitions of it. It starts off with guile and hypocrisy and envy and slander, and you begin to realize, hey, wait a minute, these lists are meaningful. The first thing that is mentioned almost every time—not every time, you can’t use this as a total rule—but you need to check it.

It especially is right here. He makes a list. He says faith, and then he says, “to another [allos, which means to another of the very same kind] gifts of healings.” And then he says, “to another, effects of miracles, or effecting of miracles,” which is again that little word another, allos. “To another [allos, of the same kind], prophecy, to another distinguishing of spirits,” and again that word another.

Then he says, heteros, “to another,” to another of a totally different kind. So we see a list right here in verses 9 and 10. They are all grouped together; faith, gifts of healings, effecting of miracles, prophecy, and distinguishing of spirits. They are all in the same category, which I call the extraordinary gifts. Now, this is significant because if faith—the ability to believe God in unbearable, overwhelming circumstances—begins the list, then everything else springs from that. Obviously, you can understand why he would put the gifts of healings second, because there is nothing any more unbearable, nothing any more overwhelming than when we are physically ill. If you mention cancer to any of us, all of us have a chill go up our spine because it begins to put us in a position to where we know we can’t handle it ourselves. We have to cry out unto God and then God, who is the Giver, imports faith to the people who are going through the unbearable circumstances of life.

Now why is the word “gifts” and the word “healings” both in the plural? Somebody asked me, “How do you know that?” If you’ve got a good Bible, you already know that. If you do any kind of checking it out at all, I don’t have to defend this. This is just the way the Greek is written. They are in the plural, not in the singular. Somebody says, “Well, I have the gift of healing.” No, you don’t. There is no such thing. But God gives gifts of healings. That is what you have to understand here. There are a multitude of various healings. It goes everywhere from physical illness to the point of death; it goes to the fact of emotional illness. We saw that in scripture last time. It even goes to the fact of a sick pastor who is trying to divide the church by things they argue over and always bring up dissention and causing disruption in the church. Paul uses that very same word. So there is a variety of illnesses.

You see, when you understand the variety of illnesses, then you begin to understand the variety of healings that is there. Extraordinary healing is always definitely included in this, but all of God’s healing is miraculous. All healing is of God. It is our flesh and the flesh of Corinth that wants to put the extraordinary times of healing up here and make them better than those ordinary times of healing in our life.

We have already seen that no man can call up a gift at any time. He can’t do that. It all depends on your surrender to Christ. Then I have a problem. How in the world do people plan a healing meeting? They plan it ten months away. And they say, “On that night, you bring your sick friends. On that night we are going to see the healing of God.” How in the world do they know that? No man walking is worthy ever to put that kind of stuff on a poster because God and God alone is the Healer. You cannot call up that kind of gift. No man can call up that kind of gift.

“Well, what is going on in those meetings?” I don’t know, but it sure doesn’t fit with 1 Corinthians 12 and what Paul teaches us about gifts and what he teaches us about healing. You know, the same time they have those meetings and people are supposedly coming and getting healed—I am sure some people do get healed—across town, somebody has gone to their pastor and they have prayed with them. They have gone to their doctor, a good Christian doctor, and the doctor has treated them. He has given medicines or vitamins or whatever else that you get and they very faithfully have done this. But the whole time, they have believed God to bring healing in their life. Something extraordinary is going on over in that auditorium. Somebody across town is being healed by the very same Healer, but this one is never recognized. That one is the one everyone wants to talk about. That is the problem you get into when you focus on gifts, folks. The flesh loves the extraordinary and overlooks the natural ordinary, miraculous power of God to heal day by day. That is why it is put in the plural. You can’t exclude those kinds of healings.

Most of the healings you and I will ever see will be in the ordinary, natural focus of life. “A doctor cared for us.” There is not a doctor who can heal, not a doctor in this place. There is not a medicine ever created that can heal. “Oh, but I took an aspirin the other day and I got healed of a headache.” Well, I have taken aspirins and felt worse. Now what are you going to do when that happens? There is no healing in that aspirin. You can take it, but God and God alone is the Healer. I don’t care if it is with an aspirin or without aspirin. God is the miracle Healer, nobody else. And He does it when He chooses according to the purposes He has in each individual life. No man can walk around saying, “I am some kind of faith healer.” Now, that kind of destroys what a lot of people think, but when He is constantly giving these gifts, it has the idea that He is the one and nobody else is in charge of these gifts. And if it doesn’t come back to His glory and it goes to the glory of that healer, it has nothing to do with God, nothing, nothing to do with God.

All the healings in 1 Corinthians 12:9 are miraculous. They are all miraculous, whether they be of the ordinary route or whether they be of the extraordinary route. Healing is healing, and God is the Healer. It is only the unbelieving world that has an excuse not to see God supernaturally or miraculously healing in the natural processes of life. You see, they don’t look for Him. They go take an aspirin and they think that is what has healed them. They go to a doctor and think that is who brought them to health. No sir, it is God. But they are not looking for Him. Shame on us when we fall into that same trap and fail to see the miracle-working power of God in the ordinary healing experiences of our life.

Well, the thing that throws us is the fact that most of the times healing is mentioned in scripture, it is put into the classification of the extraordinary. That is what throws us. We don’t see much of the other. When Timothy was told by Paul to take a little wine for his stomach, we don’t hear the end result of that and whether or not his stomach got better. But what we do hear are those extravagant, extraordinary times that were brought about in scripture. You would probably cite the case of the 12 apostles who were sent out. You might cite the case of Paul and the numerous times that he healed. You might cite the case of the 70 evangelists in the gospels who were sent out. You might cite the case of the prophets and even here or there an isolated believer. And what is the reason that they are sent out? Because God wants to show how authentic their call and their assignment is. You see, it doesn’t draw attention to them. It draws attention to the God who sent them. That is the very reason.

Hebrews brings that out beautifully in chapter 1 and the first few verses there, talking about how He gave them the gospel and then He gave it to us. He gave it to the apostles, and then it says by signs and wonders, then they gave it to us. It was to point to the authentic position God had put them in and to point to the authentic assignment that God had given to them. You cannot show me in scripture a consistent pattern for any ordinary believer to say that he can heal on a daily basis. You cannot find that in scripture. The pattern is only with Christ. The pattern is only with His apostles.

Now, in these exceptional things that He does, listen folks, that is wonderful. God can do the extraordinary, but that is not the rule. That is the exception. And what we will experience in our life is not going to be the extraordinary. We are going to experience God’s healing on a daily basis and we need to be living grateful for that. We need to be thanking Him every morning when we wake up. Do you ever think of that? Do you ever wake up in the morning and say, “God, thank you for letting me wake up this morning. Thank you for the lungs that can take in the air.” You see, if you haven’t been sick recently then you don’t even understand that. But if you have been through some difficult times, you suddenly become aware that God miraculously is working in your life all the time. He never slumbers; He never sleeps. That is what is wrong with the church in the 20th century. We want to live in the extraordinary instead of living in the miraculous ordinary of what God is doing moment by moment and day by day.

It is interesting. People want to talk about miracles ,and the first thing they talk about is healing. But in Scripture there are two different categories. Is healing a miracle? Yes, it is, but there is another category called miracles, and it comes up in verse 10. Now folks, I want to tell you, this just got my attention. He says, “and to another [allos, of the same kind] the effecting of miracles.” Now, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why does he separate “gifts of healings” [plural] with the “effecting of miracles” and put them in two different classes even though they are of the same kind? They are in two different groups here. Why does he do that?

Well, let’s start and look. First of all, the distinguishing of the gifts of healings from the effecting of miracles. What is going on here? Without a doubt, they are in two different categories, very clearly in verses 9 and 10: “to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healings by the one Spirit, and to another the effecting of miracles.” Now this is interesting to me. It immediately proves the point that even though any kind of healing is miraculous, we will live over here in the ordinary healing most of the time. Because over here on this side is another category of miracles that somebody is going to be gifted, in the sense that God will do them through him.

Take for instance, what is the difference in the gifts of healings and the effecting of miracles? Here is the major difference that I can see in Scripture. First of all is this, that miracles were assigned for people who were unbelievers. That is the thing that just rocked me when I was studying. Miracles are more of a sign to people who are unbelievers. Now certainly they affect believers. That is something that nourishes us and excites us, but it is really a sign for unbelievers.

Now you take tongues, which I haven’t gotten to yet, which are known languages understandable by others. One speaks a language which is not his own supernaturally, communicates to these other people who understand that language, and they are able to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. These tongues, these abilities to speak in other languages, were not a sign for believers. They were a sign for unbelievers, this miracle of speech.

Look over in 1 Corinthians 14:22. It is very clear. It is not a sign for believers. It is a sign for unbelievers, not only unbelieving Israel who rejected the Spirit of God, but for unbelievers. Look at what it says in 1 Corinthians 14:22: “So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to unbelievers.” The miracle of speech, so that they could hear the gospel in their own language and understand it and respond, was a miracle that God would do, but it was a miracle designed for the unbeliever, not the believer.

Whereas miracles were a sign for unbelievers, healing is more of a sign to believers and points to the Lord Jesus and His deeper work that He can do in a person’s life. Look over in Luke 10:9. Let me show you where we are headed. Why are the two categories separated? Why do you have the gifts of healings here, and the effecting of miracles over here? In Luke 10:9 the Lord said to His disciples, “And heal those who are sick,” who are there in the city you enter, “and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God is come near to you.’” In other words, the healings there had something to do with announcing the kingdom of God that is coming among them.

Imagine John the Baptist. Here he was out of the desert. They think he is one of the Essenes from the Essene community. He wore funny clothes and ate crazy foods. This guy was a real interesting individual. He lived his own life, not like anybody else. He sort of got a hold of the emperor there and denounced him, so they put him in prison. And when he gets in prison, he begins to hear about the Lord Jesus. He sends some messengers to talk to Jesus and to ask Him, “Are you truly the Messiah who is coming?” I guess John the Baptist felt, “Hey, if I am in prison then I need to know if this is the one I am supposed to be the forerunner to.”

Turn to Matthew 11:2 and let’s look at these verses. I want to show you how Jesus answers him, which is so important. What is it that would clue John the Baptist into the fact that Jesus truly is the Messiah? Jesus is the Son of God. What would comfort these believers? What is it that would quicken their enthusiasm to know that Jesus is the Messiah? Matthew 11:2 reads, “Now when John in prison heard of the works of Christ, he sent word by his disciples, and said to Him, ‘Are you the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?’ And Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up,” and then along side of that which points to this, “the poor have the gospel preached to them.”

I can imagine John. He is in prison. They believed when the Messiah came He would set up His earthly kingdom and kick the Gentiles out. They missed the fact that He was going to go to the cross first. I imagine John was saying, “Hey, if you are the Messiah, why don’t you miraculously free me from prison?” And the Lord sends him an answer back. And the answer is so significant. He points to the healings that are going on. This should somehow comfort the heart of John the Baptist because when those healings take place, then you know that Christ is here. The blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear and the dead are raised up. The evidence that He was the Messiah hinges on those healings that He was doing. The Lord was thus bringing in the kingdom of God, and He was trying to comfort John the Baptist. “I am not going to free you. You are going to have your head cut off, but don’t worry, I have taken care of what happens when your head drops. I have something in store for you. But, John, I want you to know, be comforted, I am the Messiah. And what proves My Messiahship are not these other miracles, but the fact that I am healing and the healing points to who I am.”

Look over in Matthew 4:23-25. Why are the gifts separated? Why are the gifts of healing over here and miracles over here? They are in two distinct classes; one is a sign for believers, one is a sign for unbelievers. This is right after His first miracle, changing water into wine. He starts out His ministry, but how does He start out His ministry? Doing all the miracles? Well, now wait a minute. It says in Matthew 4:23, “And Jesus was going about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom,” and to go along with that, to give authenticity to who He is, it says, “and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. And the news about Him went out into all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, taken with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them.” Our Lord continued His ministry by healing because it was the healing that was pointing to who He was. Healing was a sign that Jesus could forgive sins.

You see, that is the bottom line of it. The root of all disease, the root of all weakness comes from original sin. So when He can heal somebody of the physical symptom here, then obviously He can heal somebody of the root cause, which is sin. That is what He was pointing to. The Lord wanted to prove by His healing, not just that He could heal, certainly He can. He wanted to prove to them that He could also forgive their sin, which was where the sickness and all originally came from.

Listen to the words in Matthew. He says, “But in order [now listen to these words carefully] that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins [now this came right out of Jesus’ mouth; He said to the paralytic there when He healed the paralytic] I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home. The reason I am healing you physically is because I want you to be comforted. I can not only heal your disease, I can heal the sin that causes the disease.” That is what healing was for. It was for the believer, to comfort him, to exhort him. It was a sign for believers.

Healings are also mentioned as a separate sign because there is something about the comforting hand of God when somebody is healed. It is different from any miracle you will ever experience. Do you know what happens when you get hung up in these miracles? When you start talking about the extraordinary, what happens is, after you have been through the experience, now the next experience is going to compete with the last one. And there is nothing of the real gratefulness towards God that comes into your life. However, when you have been sick, when you’ve been down to where the fever was wrenching your body and when you didn’t have a thing you could possibly do, when the medicines are not really working like they are supposed to and God is taking you through a journey that is dark and darker and darker, and then suddenly God begins to lift you out of that and you come out on the other side, then you are grateful. The most humble people I have ever seen are people who have been through the valleys of sickness, the valleys of suffering. When they come out on the other side, they have a grateful heart, a humble heart. Suddenly life looks a little different to them than it did before.

You can have any miracle in the Bible and it won’t do that to a person’s heart. Oh, it will alert the attention of the unbeliever but to the believer it becomes ho-hum. He is always looking for another experience. But you let healing enter into the picture and you’ve got a totally different response of that believer. There is something about the heart of God that is communicated when healing takes place in a person’s life. Healings more than any other miracle have the ability to awaken gratitude, to awaken appreciation.

When you think of miracles and you think of healings, they are put into two categories, because over here it is a sign to the believer, over here it is a sign to the unbeliever. Miracles are a sign to the unbeliever. Healings are a sign to the believer. That is what brings a believer’s heart back in touch with the reality of the miracle working hand of God in their life.

The definition of the term “effecting” of miracles

Well, if that is the case then, if miracles are a sign to the unbeliever, let’s just go a little bit further and decide what is the gifts, or the effecting, of miracles? What is he talking about here? So first of all, we have just been distinguishing between the gifts of healings and the effecting of miracles. We see the different categories here. But secondly, let’s look at the definition of the term “effecting” of miracles. What does that mean? We must point out again that in the scripture, in the text, the word “effecting” and the word “miracles” are both in the plural again. Just get you a Greek book and check it out. You won’t have any trouble. They are both in the plural. The Greek word “effecting” is not really properly translated. Do you know what you get in the idea of effecting, or as the King James translates it, the “operations of miracles”? In other words, the idea of the cause. Somebody walks in and reads that the wrong way and says, “Oh, I have got the gift of miracles. What do you want to happen in your life? If you’ve got enough faith, I can do it.” That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard in my life. It doesn’t have a thing to do with you doing anything.

As a matter of fact, if that were true, it would be another word altogether. It would be the word energeo, the word which means to cause something to happen. But the word is not that word, it is the word energemata. It is a different word altogether. One is the cause, the other is the effect. The word that is used here is the effect, not the cause.

Let me show you the difference. You can see that in a lawnmower. I would come home and I couldn’t see the lawnmower anywhere, but I did see the effect of that lawnmower because the grass was just beautiful. The lawnmower would be the word meaning you can cause something to happen. The grass cut is the effect of the cause.

The word used here is not pointing to the cause, it is pointing to the effect. In other words, it is talking about the effects, the end result, not the ability to do it, but the effect, the end result which are the effects of the powers that God works in His life.

Very interestingly, in this whole list of 1 Corinthians 12, there are three words and they are all tied together. You see, the end of the word, ma, means the result of. You have charismata, gifts. That is not the grace itself, that is the gift, that is the result of the grace. Then you’ve got this word which is the result of something else happening. It is the effect of another cause. And then you have got the word iamata, which is the word for healing. It is not the process of healing, it is the effect of the healing itself.

So what we are seeing here is the term “miracles” is also in the plural. So “to one is given the effecting of miracles” is actually the results of abilities or powers. And God gives this in the plural because there are so many results, so many effects of God’s working in people’s lives. That is what it has to do with here. Sometimes we are the vessel through which He does these works. Sometimes we witness those works done in somebody else. But in no case can we ever do them ourselves. God and God alone is the one who does it. Just like God is the Healer, God is the only one who can do the miracles. All we see is the effects of that in our life, the effects of His working in our life. We cannot know the ways of God and how He does this. He does not give that to us, but we can see the effects of what it does.

We can witness them through scripture. We don’t know how He did it, but we know they were done. We know they walked through the Red Sea. We know they crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. The Jordan River backed up 17 miles to the city of Adam. We know Jesus resurrected from the dead. We know Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead. But how did He do it? Nobody knows. We just see the effect of the working of God. We don’t have any clue on how He went about doing it. In our finite state, we will never understand that.

What we have in verse 10 is not the ability to do miracles. Don’t ever think that. We have the fact that God makes us a witness to the miracles He chooses to do in our lives and in others’ lives. It is these miracles that God chooses to do that cause us to be in awe of Him, not only us, but the world around us. When God just steps in and does the extraordinary, when God just steps in and does some of these, the effects of His power working around that causes us to be in awe of who He is. So the effecting of miracles refers to the results of God’s working in our lives and in the lives of others. It is not in the ability to do it.

The diversity of miracles

So the first thing we have seen is the distinguishing between the gifts of healings and the effecting of miracles. They are in two different categories. But then we have to define “effecting of miracles.” It is not what we do, it is the effects of what God and God alone can do and has done and will do in our lives and in others lives. The third thing I want you to see is the diversity of miracles. Why is it in the plural? We must understand that the word “effecting” and the word “miracles,” which is the word for power, is in the plural. First of all, you’ve got to start with the ordinary. If you don’t come out of the mystical in this stuff, then you are going to end up just like Corinth. You are going to live your life with the extraordinary and overlook the miraculous ordinary that God is doing in your life. You’ve got to come back to that. We are going to talk about the extraordinary. We are going to get into that, how God in scripture did the extraordinary. We are talking now about the ordinary miracles of life that we live in every day. And because it is in the plural, you have to include that. That is part of this. We get to witness the power of God working in us and in others every day that we live.

Let me tell you where you can start. As I was studying this, I came across the fact of the laws that God has set into motion. Have you ever thought about that? There are certain laws that God has set into motion. Do you know what one of them is? The law of gravity. Now, those of you who sit in the balcony who don’t believe that, just jump off. Just don’t jump on the people down below. I want to prove to you that the law of gravity works. I don’t care where you are, it is consistent, you can count on it. It will serve you or it can hurt you. But if you jump off, you are going to hit the ground. You are going to fall. The law of gravity is going to work whether you like it or not.

Let me give you another law. The law of human digestion. God has so created us that you can just combine certain things and it will cause an effect on your life.

Have you ever thought about the laws of the fact that we have air in the atmosphere and we have to breath it in order to live and it makes our whole body function? Have you ever thought about that? I mean, if you don’t believe that law is not consistent, you walk into a room or into a garage where carbon monoxide has eaten up the oxygen and take a breath. You are a dead person because that law is consistent and that is a miracle that God keeps it that consistent. Nothing else in this world is as consistent as the laws that God has preset.

Listen, Corinth was hung up in the extraordinary. We should live in the miraculous ordinary before we ever start talking about the other. That is not a pattern, that is not a consistency. There are many effects of God’s working in our life all the time. Why in the world would people try to seek out a church just so they can have all the miraculous going on and the extraordinary? That tells me they are immature. That tells me they are not attached to Chris. That tells me they are ignorant of the word. They are not living sensible. They are not living with integrity and letting God, who is the miracle worker, be recognized in their life day by day.

You see, God set these laws, but I want to tell you something. God is the only one who can break them when He chooses. There are times when the extraordinary comes and He just chooses to break off a law. Whereas the law of gravity did mean that we would fall down, He can hover in the air if He wants to and one day we will, too, when we go up to see Him. He does that when He chooses to do it. It is very rare. Do you realize that Jesus is the one who set the laws and He is also the one who chose to walk and live under them? That is a miracle in itself. He could have done whatever, but He chose to live up under them.

But after He was crucified and after He resurrected, it became a different thing. He could walk through doors. He could appear, just appear from out of nowhere. Poof, there He was. It was incredible. Did He have a body? Sure He had a body. He asked them to give Him some food. Why would He ask them to give Him some food if He didn’t have a body? But you know what, people don’t want to talk about the ordinary part when He walked on the earth. They want to talk about when He walked through the door. Do you know why? Because flesh loves that kind of stuff. Talk about the exception instead of talking about the rule, the miraculous ordinary, they want to live in the extraordinary.

It is interesting to me where we have come to in our Christian walk. And if you will just enter in to the subject of miracles like we entered into the subject of healings and begin to realize that God is healing us all the time and that there are people being healed without any arena around them, and there are people God is doing miracles in their life all the time, then suddenly all of a sudden, the miracles and the healings is not the important thing. It is the One who is doing all of this, and you connect yourself to Him. That is the Giver and that is the way that you are supposed to be living day by day.

That is the key to what Paul, I think, is saying. God freed Peter from prison. The jail doors just opened up. How did He do that? Well, it is the same thing. He just did an extraordinary thing. The angel of the Lord did it, but did he have a key? I doubt it. Well, how did he unlock the door? Rip it open? Look at the effect that had on the lost world, the jailer and all the situation that the scriptures record.

Here is what I am trying to get you to see. When you talk about the effecting of miracles, it is not a thing in the world you can do, so don’t even think about it. But God gives us the privilege of witnessing the effects of what He does in our lives. Listen, in chapter 3, even though our works are going to be judged, works is never the focus of a believer. If it becomes your focus, you become like the Pharisee, arrogant and proud. In chapter 12, gifts are never the focus of a believer. If you do, you are going to end up in the extraordinary and do what Corinth did. Ministries are never the focus of a believer. Effects are never the focus of a believer. Jesus is the focus of the believer and if we would just live in the realness of who He is, moment by moment, we would already be thanking Him for miracles that would blow your mind. And when He does the extraordinary, we wouldn’t be shocked, we would just stand back and say,

Wow, that is my wonderful God!! But some people just have to have a fix, don’t they? A little upper. Let’s have a little experience. Welcome to the church of Corinth. Where are you right now?

Read Part 81

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