5 Ways to Show God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

5 Ways to Show Gods Love Valentines

Valentine’s Day is often celebrated through cards, candy, or romance. As children, we enjoy exchanging Valentine greetings and creating heart decorations. As adults, we may enjoy a special meal with a spouse or a movie together. But how can we show God’s love on Valentine’s Day?

The Bible is silent about Valentine’s Day, but not about sharing God’s love. In fact, Scripture teaches God is love (1 John 4:8).

In addition, Jesus taught, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should love one another” (John 13:34). Further, He did not give us this command without demonstrating how to obey it. Instead, “We love each other because He first loved us” (1 John 13:34) Scripture offers numerous opportunities to show God’s love. The following five ways provide options we can consider for Valentine’s Day—and any other day:

1. Share a Gift

Proverbs 18:16 observes, “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” Offering a gift both shows love and opens additional opportunities to be involved in the life of another person.

Who is someone in your life that would enjoy a personalized gift from you? It doesn’t have to be purchased from a store or ordered online. You can create something special unique for your spouse, child, parent, friend, or other loved one to offer a tangible expression of God’s love.

2. Give a Hug (or a Handshake or High Five)

There is a reason physical touch is known as one of the five love languages. Parents, hug your children (even when they outgrow you). Children, hug your parents, grandparents, and yes, even your brother and sister.

Did you know a hug can physically improve the life of another person? In fact, hugs have been shown to instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.

Of course, some caution may be warranted regarding hugs in certain situations. Use discretion, and ask beforehand if you feel the need, but realize a caring hug can communicate love in vital ways.

3. Write Encouraging Words

The Bible has been called God’s love letter to humanity. We recognize the value of God’s words of encouragement, yet we often miss the value of an encouraging handwritten note, a caring text message, or a positive email to a friend.

In fact, handwritten notes have become so uncommon in our digital age that the simple gesture of writing to a friend of loved one can have great impact. Don’t know where to begin? Start with expressing a few reasons you care about the person. Look at the Bible for a verse to include. Simply say “thank you” or “I love you.” You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.

4. Make a Call

Many young (and even older) people now prefer to text or use social media to communicate rather than to make a phone call. However, the power of hearing someone else’s voice provide encouragement or say, “I love you,” has a tremendous impact.

Think of a friend or family member you care about and have not spoken with in a long time. How would you feel if the person called you today just to talk? You’d probably highly value the conversation.

Instead of waiting for the “other person,” why not take the initiative and call someone now? If the person doesn’t call, consider leaving a voice message to encourage them through the influence of your voice.

5. Communicate God’s Love

The greatest message we can share with another person is God’s message of love regarding eternal life. If you haven’t memorized it already, consider focusing on John 3:16. Why? God’s love. God’s love gives every person the opportunity to experience new life in Christ.

Those of us who know God also have the privilege and responsibility to communicate the love of Christ to others. We are called to both demonstrate and communicate His love to those who have yet to believe in Him.

If you need help, you can also direct a friend or other loved one to an online video that shows how to pray to believe in Jesus.

Valentine’s Day is a powerful reminder of God’s love for us—and of how we can share His love with others. Make the most of the opportunity to express God’s love to those around you today.


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