Christianity and the Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge – Program 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985
Masonic candidates swear oaths to guard Masonic secrets. Are those oaths binding? Are they oaths that Jesus would want his followers to take?

Should Christians Swear to Uphold the Teachings of the Masonic Lodge?


On this edition of John Ankerberg, we will compare the secret teachings of the Masonic Lodge with Christian belief. You will hear what the Lodge teaches in the first three degrees of Masonry, as well as the higher degrees of the York Rite and the Scottish Rite. Masons are promised in their authoritative Masonic ritual that nothing in the Lodge’s teachings will ever conflict with one’s own religious beliefs. Has Masonry lied to Christians in stating this? Is it really possible for a Christian to embrace the teachings of Freemasonry? Tonight, you will find out.

Invitations for tonight’s program were extended to current leaders, scholars, and Worshipful Masters of the Lodge. But Lodge members declined our invitation to come and be a part of this program – though our invitation remains open. However, you will meet and hear two former Worshipful Masters, Mr. Jim Flannigan and Mr. Jack Harris, explain what they used to believe and teach as leaders of the Lodge.

Ankerberg: Welcome. In this program we will examine the question: Should a Christian swear oaths promising to uphold the teachings of Masonry? Is it proper for a Christian to learn the secret signs and handshakes of the Masonic Lodge, all the while promising not to divulge those secrets upon penalty of death? In order to answer these questions, we must examine the evidence. First, in every one of the degrees of the Masonic Lodge, there is a frightening vow that every Masonic candidate must swear to in order to pass that degree. What does each candidate promise? How binding is the vow? Is it a vow that Jesus Christ would want His followers to take? To help you understand what happens in the Ritual, please listen as two former Worshipful Masters, Mr. Jack Harris and Mr. Jim Flannigan, explain to you some of the secret signs known to Masons all over the world. Please listen.
Harris: We are now going to explain to you some of the secret signs given by Master Masons all over the world. This is the Grand Hailing Sign or Sign of Distress, and is given by raising the hands above the head, letting them fall by three distinct motions. [Demonstrates] This sign was actually given during World War II when a U-boat captain was about to torpedo an American ship dead in the water. But, he noticed that the captain of the American ship threw his hands up like this, giving the Grand Hailing Sign, letting them fall by three distinct motions. At this time, the U-boat captain called off his attack.
Ankerberg: Now, maybe you’re asking, “What about the horrible penalties and threats of death and mutilation that are found in each of the Masonic oaths? Why are they there?” Carl H. Claudy was a Master Mason, a former Grand Master of Masons in the District of Columbia, and a member of all coordinate rites of Masonry. Claudy admits that those who framed the Masonic penalties, “Intended to inspire terror” in the candidate. It would appear that the intent to inspire terror has been effectively used by those in the Masonic Lodge ever since.
In the early 20th century an authority on Masonry, Martin L. Wagner, candidly expressed his reservations about the penalties of Masonry when he wrote, “That Masons believe that penalties will be mercilessly inflicted upon them, should they betray its secrets, we know to be true in many cases. The convictions of those who have exposed the ritualism of the Order, that they took their lives into their hands in doing so, is proof. The numerous confessions made to the writer on the part of both Masons and ex-Masons, is further proof.”
In many of the conversations that I have had with Masons I have found that they too have fear in their hearts. Right or wrong, they fear breaking the oath they have taken in the Lodge. Why is there this fear? Well, former Worshipful Master Jim Flannigan explains to you the secret signs used in the first three degrees of Masonry and then he’s going to tell you about the frightening penalties that every Mason swears he will accept if he ever divulges the secrets. Please listen.
Mr. Jim Flannigan: We will now take you into a Blue Lodge of Freemasonry and I will demonstrate to you the Due Guards and Signs that are obligatory in every Masonic Lodge. The Due Guard is the manner in which the hands are placed upon the square, compass and Bible while taking the oath or obligation, and the Sign is the indication of the acceptance of the penalty of that obligation. [Demonstration of Due Guards and Signs] I will now explain this to you.
In the Entered Apprentice degree, the hands were held like this over the square, compass and Bible, and then the hand is drawn across the throat, indicating the penalty for revealing this knowledge, which is the throat being cut across from ear to ear. The tongue is also removed.
For the Fellow Craft degree, the Sign was this [demonstrates], and indicated the tearing open of the breast and the removal of the heart to be given to the birds as a penalty for revealing the secrets.
For the Master Mason degree, the hands were placed upon the Bible in this manner [demonstrates], and the hand is drawn across the indicate that the body would be severed in two and the vitals taken from there and burned to ashes and the ashes scattered by the winds of heaven.
Ankerberg: Now the question is, Do Masons really take the oaths and these penalties seriously? Well, we asked former Worshipful Master Mr. Jack Harris about what he and others believed in his Lodge and here is what he said.
Harris: Some people may wonder whether Masons take these obligations and oaths seriously. The answer is absolutely yes. They take their oath of obligation upon the Holy Bible, and they swear to Almighty God that they will keep these secrets upon the penalty of death. Such an instance occurred actually, according to historians, in 1826 when Captain William Morgan was killed by a lodge of Masons for violating the secrets of Freemasonry.
Ankerberg: In light of this, we must ask, “Should a Christian ever swear his allegiance to the vows of the different degrees of Freemasonry?” To help you answer this question, please watch this reenactment of a candidate taking the actual obligation of the Master Mason degree. We have shortened it because of time, but these are the words that are said.

[Excerpt from “What Goes on Behind Closed Doors?”]

(The Candidate repeats the obligation, phrase by phrase, as directed.)
“I solemnly and sincerely…promise and swear…to keep and perform the same…without any equivocation…mental reservation…or secret evasion of mind…in me whatever …binding myself under the no less penalty…than that of having…my body severed in twain…my bowels taken thence…and with my body burned to ashes…and those ashes scattered…to the four winds of heaven…so that there might remain…name…trace…nor remembrance…no more forever…of so vile a wretch…as I would be…should I ever willing…or knowingly…violate this…my most solemn obligation…as a Master Mason. So help me God…and keep me steadfast…in the due performance…of the same.
Worshipful Master: Mr. Smith, as an evidence that you took this oath freely and of your own will and accord, please kiss the book before you three times. It is the Holy Bible. [Candidate kisses the Bible.]
Ankerberg: Now, during this series I told you that we would touch upon the teachings of some of the higher degrees in the Masonic Lodge. And to understand what is sworn in some of the higher degrees, here is part of the oath that is sworn in the initiation of the 10th degree of the Scottish Rite. Listen as the candidate says his vows:
Candidate: “I do promise and swear upon the Holy Bible to keep exactly in my heart all the secrets that shall be revealed to me, and in failure of this my obligation, I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly, and to be exposed for eight hours in the open air, that the venomous flies may eat of my entrails, my head to be cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world, and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation. So may God help and maintain me. Amen.”
Ankerberg: Now, during the taking of the oath in the 30th degree of the Scottish Rite, listen to what the candidate swears.
Candidate: “I, Tom Smith, of my own free will and accord, do hereby solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, to keep faithful the secrets of the sublime degree of Knights Kadosh and strictly to obey the statutes of the order. All of which I promise to do under the penalty of death, so help me God.”
Ankerberg: Not only does the candidate swear these words, but listen to the instruction that is given to him during the 30th degree.
Thrice Puissant Grand Master (to Candidate):
“When your rashness has prompted you to enter this awful sanctuary, you were no doubt informed of the danger which threatened you, and of the trials which still await you. Swear therefore, upon your word of honor, never to reveal what you have seen or heard hitherto. Forget not that the slightest indiscretion will cost you your life. Are you still willing to proceed?”
Ankerberg: Now, to this question, the candidate must swear under oath that he is still willing to proceed. Now let me ask you: How can any Christian say that such oaths truly honor God? How can candidates who are Christians swear in God’s name to have these penalties inflicted upon them? It was Albert Mackey who explained in his Encyclopedia that the Mason who disobeys his oath is worthy of death; but it is up to God, not men, to inflict the penalty. Mackey writes, “The ritualistic penalties of Freemasonry, supposing such to be, are in the hands, not of men, but of God, and are to be inflicted by God and not by men.”
Now consider what Mackey has just said. Who thinks that the above Masonic oaths, coupled with the teaching that God Himself is to literally inflict the penalties stated, will not strike fear into the heart of Masonic candidates? Is this not a form of cultic intimidation – using threats of divine retribution to force compliance to a false religion? Is this the way to promote and advance a worldwide brotherhood?
I asked former Worshipful Master Jim Flannigan how he could swear such oaths to the Masonic Lodge when he was at the same time the pastor of a Christian church. This is what he told me.
Flannigan: No doubt you’re wondering, how could a Christian get himself involved in something like this? When I took my Entered Apprentice degree, I was shocked at the penalty of the obligation and I inquired about it. I was informed that it was entirely symbolic and had no real application. I have since found out that that is not always the case. As a Christian we are taught that we are the temples of the Holy Ghost. And the penalty of this obligation in the first degree and all subsequent degrees in fact renders our body forth for death and mutilation should we break the degree’s secrets. This is not according to the Word of God.
Harris: Some of you are probably wondering what vows as Masons we took in the higher degrees. I would now like to show you the vows that I personally took as a Royal Arch Mason. Here are the words I actually said when I took the vows.
“I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a companion Royal Arch Mason, when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be right or wrong.”
According to this Ritual I gave you from the Masonic Lodge, they are telling you that if a brother commits murder or treason or steals – which is wrong, according to the laws of the land – they are to hide this from the law? Also, the Word of God tells us that we are to rebuke a brother if he does wrong. We are not to hide it. But Freemasonry says it makes no difference what the law of the land says, or the Word of God – “Hide it from one another.” I would like to give you another example to prove that the Masonic order does take care of their own, whether he be right or wrong. I would like to give you another vow that I actually took as a Royal Arch Mason.
“I furthermore promise and swear, that I will keep all the secrets of a companion Royal Arch Mason, when communicated to me as such, or knowing them to be such, without exceptions.”
Did you hear what I just said – a “without exception”? If you remember, in the third degree obligation of a Master Mason he said that he would keep the secrets of a brother Master Mason, “murder and treason alone excepted, and these left to his election.” In this degree, they said that he could keep everything a secret, and that would include murder and treason. This is strictly forbidden by the laws of our land and by the Word of God. Now I would like to tell you the actual penalty of the obligation I took which would be inflicted upon me for violation thereof.
“To all of which, I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to keep and perform the same, without any equivocation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatever, binding myself under no less a penalty than to have my skull smote off, and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the meridian sun, should I knowingly or willfully violate or transgress any part of this my solemn oath or obligation of a Royal Arch Mason. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
Did you hear the penalty of this obligation? If I reveal their secrets, how they can mutilate my body? And then I invoke the name of Almighty God to enforce this obligation! – strictly forbidden by the Word of God. How can Christians, who are Masons, embrace and practice and swear such things as this?
Ankerberg: Swearing to uphold Masonic doctrines is sinful, unscriptural and should not be a part of the Christian’s life for the following reasons: (1) Masonry makes Christians swear by God to doctrines which God has in the Bible pronounced false and sinful. For example, the Lodge teaches the false doctrine of the Fatherhood of God – that is, that all men, regardless of what they believe, are automatically sons of God. On the other hand, Jesus teaches that only those who receive Him, who believe in His name, will He give the right to become children of God (John 1:12).
(2) Masonry makes Christian men swear to accept the lie that salvation can be gained by man’s good works. But the Bible flatly contradicts this when it says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).
(3) Masonry makes Christian men swear to accept and promote the lie that Jesus is just one of many equally revered prophets in the world. Each candidate does this when he agrees that all religions can lead a man to God. But Jesus contradicts Masonry when He taught, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me” (Jn. 14:6).
(4) Masonry makes Christian men swear that the Great Architect of the Universe is equally present in all other religions, even though they call Him by a different name and hold different beliefs. But the God of the Bible says this is wrong. He says, “There is no God apart from me; a righteous God and Savior: there is none but me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:21-22).
(5) Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true worship can be offered in the lodge to God without the mediatorship of Jesus. But the Bible says, “There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all men” (1 Tim. 2:5-6).
(6) By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the doctrines of the Lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel to other Lodge members who look only to Masonry’s plan of salvation to get them to heaven. But the Bible clearly states, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preach to you, let him be eternally condemned” (Gal. 1:8).
(7) According to the Bible, the Christian’s spirit, mind and body are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Christians are bought with a price – the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, they do not have the right to promise the Masonic Lodge that it can mutilate his body if he discloses the Masonic secrets. God’s Word instructs every Christian to break and renounce any evil oath that binds him in sin when it states, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them” (Eph. 5:11).
In conclusion, what should the Christian Mason do who has already sworn oaths to the Lodge? Is he bound to keep his oaths? Here’s what the Bible advises you do: “If a person swears, speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to do good, whatever it is that a man may pronounce by an oath and it is hidden from him, when he realizes it, then he shall be guilty in any of these matters. And it shall be, when he is guilty in any of these matters that he shall confess that he has sinned in that thing, and he shall bring his trespass offering to the Lord for his sin which he has sinned so the priest shall make atonement on his behalf for his sin which he has sinned,… and it shall be forgiven him” (Lev. 5:4-6, 10). The Christian is to acknowledge that he is guilty of swearing wrongly and repent of his oath. He is to ask for forgiveness and acknowledge to God that he will obey God’s will.
The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, He [that’s Jesus] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). It’s the duty of every Christian to break and renounce any evil oath that binds him to disobeying God. Right now, if you are a Christian who has taken the oaths of the Masonic Lodge, confess to God that you have ignorantly taken these vows against Him and His teachings, and ask for His forgiveness. Then notify your Lodge in writing that you have decided to leave the Lodge. Tell them you believe their teaching and their vows are not biblical, and as a Christian, you can no longer participate.

Read Part 3


  1. Jat to enofe on September 23, 2023 at 3:33 am

    Thank you i believed, this inspired interviewed was of great helped to see me, saying the prayers, i received a great deliverance, now i also have a better understanding of how to others too. Thank you.

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