Holistic Health Practices/Part 23

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2008
Iridology is the study of the iris of the human eye to allegedly diagnose present and even future illness and disease. Ignatz von Peczely (1822-1911) is considered the modern developer; however, similar practices can be seen in ancient Chinese methods related to astrology.”

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What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the iris of the human eye to allegedly diagnose present and even future illness and disease. Ignatz von Peczely (1822-1911) is considered the modern developer; however, similar practices can be seen in ancient Chinese methods related to astrology. Occultist Bernard Jensen is considered the leading U.S. authority.

Iridologists claim that the eyes can mirror the health condition of the body because the iris allegedly displays in detail the status of every organ system. Supposedly, the iris’s connection with the central nervous system permits detailed information to be sent from the rest of the body back to the iris. Further, according to iridology theory, each iris reveals what is happening on its own side of the body, an anatomical impossibility. (Incoming nerve impulses from one side of the body almost always cross to the opposite side on their way to the brain.)

Iridology has been discredited in numerous scientific studies and is, therefore, a form of health fraud. Some of these studies are reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (September 28, 1979), Australian Journal of Optometry (July 1982), and Journal of the American Optometric Association (October 1984). Despite its lack of credibility, iridology is increasingly accepted, even when used as or in conjunction with psychic diagnosis and healing.

The problems associated in using iridology include the progression of a serious illness that iridology fails to uncover, personal anxiety and loss of finances from misdiagnosis that a serious illness exists, and spiritual problems from occultic influences in occult forms.

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