Victories of the Seeking Man

By: Abraham, Timothy; ©1999
Timothy Abraham continues his testimony. What is it like to be a Christian in a land where that is a crime punishable by death? What is it like to be rejected by your own family because of your faith? How did God claim the victory in this situation?

Victories of the Seeking Man

Shifting from Islam into full life in Christ showed me something more about Jesus.That He is a Victor. The fact that He died on the cross is for my own forgiveness and my own continual cleansing. There is undoubtedly power in the blood of Jesus who conquered death on the cross. But as He rose from the dead, He rose as a Victor. Now, such victory is ours in our day to day life. We don’t have to live defeated, but victorious. We don’t have to fear works of witchcraft anymore since the power of the Blood of Jesus dissolves it all. It is sufficient to utter the name of Jesus with faith and confidence and demons flee.

My mother even went to a witch to put a curse on me and bring me back to the fold of Islam. The witch said, “Your son is following a path which he will never forsake and he will be victorious all his life as long as he walks in it.” These words, from the mouth of a witch, brought my younger brother to know Christ. The testimony of demons about our victorious Lord renders skepticism and unbelief absurd (Please read Romans 8:35-39). You also can be more than a conqueror through Christ, your Victor who loves you! Believe it!

I lost my Bible and all my Christian books were confiscated. All I had was the radio. I went sneakily to get my radio to listen secretly to Voice of Hope, searching for some com­fort—songs in the night. (By the way, I speak now publicly over Voice of Hope since I live in a free country, America). Yet my mother caught me and she immediately snatched the radio out of my hand and beat me on the head with her shoes. I was just 20 years old at that time. I prayed for a Bible and the Lord heard me. I went to pick up a Bible package from the post office. The head of the post office, Kamal, slapped me forcefully and punched me in the face. I saw all kinds of terror…I was crying from the intensity of pain. He said to me,”You just go after these Christian infidels, leave Islam and we will wipe you out. We will send you behind the sun!” I felt trapped, praying fervently to leave Egypt and practice my faith in Christ. “Father of comfort, you never left me. Please remind me of your Son hanging on the cross crying out in the depth of agony, ‘My God, my God why have you forsaken me?’ Lord Jesus, they all forsook you, and yet You found rest in Your Father. I need to depend on the Father as you did.”

After 3 years, I decided to move to Cairo, which was not any safer. The last time the police had arrested me they said, “According to us, you are an infidel who has committed high treason. Next time we arrest you, it will be capital punishment.” To make it worse, the “Christian” landlord told me he could not shelter a fugitive criminal anymore. I was not welcome in my own country anymore. Nevertheless, the Lord intervened, and a Palestinian evangelist, Anis Shorrosh, introduced me to Dr. Paige Patterson. He began to help me apply for a visa to the United States. At first, I was denied the visa, but Dr. Patterson did not give up. Finally, I was granted an entry visa, and I was supernaturally able to leave Egypt. Lord, You never deliver your children out of bondage to bring them back into it. Help me to live somewhere to practice my Christian faith without the police harassment. Lord, please do whatever it takes so I don’t have to live in an environment where people would force me to go into the mosque. You want your children to worship freely even if this means fleeing for their lives, like me, so that Christ becomes all in all.

If it had not been for Dr. Patterson, I would have been history today. I was scheduled to be executed, and God saw that He had more work for me to do. So, he used Dr. Patterson in supernaturally rescuing my life. God Almighty is a Father of the fatherless (Psalm 68:5), and when my father and mother forsake me, as David declares, the LORD holds me to Himself. Is God the Almighty, Your Heavenly Father, my friend? (Galatians 4:6) God the Almighty and Majestic One delights in you personally (Proverbs 8:31).

Having fled to the United States, I was still afraid that I would have to face the Egyp­tian police authorities someday, especially in view of the fact that I came on a student visa, which could expire any day. According to the Egyptian government I am an infidel who has defamed Islam as well as caused national disunity. Allah alone knows how I have no hard feelings towards either Egypt, the motherland, or Islam. Preachers offered to hide me in ranches, if worse came to worse. I just wanted to live and not to be the scapegoat of somebody’s religious wrath. One ministry organization sponsored me and sent a petition for my permanent residency. After six long years of waiting, the Lord honored my request by giving me permanent residence a few days before my wedding day, April 18,1998. I did not want anybody to falsely accuse me that I married a woman so that I may get a green card. I have married Angela for her own sake, and not for the sake of getting a green card.

I give Angela all of me, for the source of our love is divine. It is never a fleeting emotion, but a covenant in which the LORD is the Witness between me and the wife of my youth, my partner and my best friend. (Malachi 2:14)

Here it is the time for me to praise God for the gift of marriage. It is when I abandoned myself to God and the godly desire of marriage that he brought along Angela. Angela is the angel of God to my heart. She is beautiful both internally and externally. We both share the same vision in manifesting the love of Christ to our Muslim brothers and sisters. I did not compromise for less than what I knew Allah wanted me to have: Angela is a woman of prayer, caring, affectionate, hospitable, giving and gregarious. She is perfect for me. I revel in the fact that she loves my parents and gives sacrificially to them. Lord, what did I do to be treated with such extravagant kindness of yours that you give me a wife who loves me and my family? The Lord honored me for putting Him above my desire to have a wife, and now we are a praying couple. Indeed, our Creator and Redeemer is our ultimate Match­maker.

Lord, may I never be secure or seek easiness in life at the expense of union with You. Didn’t you tell us Lord, “And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved” (Mark 13:13)? Please don’t let me rush your salvation, Lord, in the midst of trouble, but please give me patience so I can endure hard­ships as a soldier of the cross of Christ! Lord, may Your love consume me to such an extent that the doing of your will would be the real bread of my life. In Christ’s name, amen!

My friends, please feel free to contact me through my email at [email protected]


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