Holistic Health Practices/Part 5

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006
Attitudinal healing is an important component of the New Medicine that in various forms is practiced by millions of people. It involves the alleged regulation or maintenance of physical, mental, and/or spiritual health by learning supposedly “proper” (i.e., occultic) mental attitudes.

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Attitudinal Healing

Attitudinal healing is an important component of the New Medicine that in various forms is practiced by millions of people. It involves the alleged regulation or maintenance of physical, mental, and/or spiritual health by learning supposedly “proper” (i.e., occultic) mental attitudes.

Attitudinal healing claims to work because the spirit, mind, and body are interrelated; therefore, proper mental attitudes may influence the entire person toward desired physical, psychological, and/or spiritual goals.

Although the health claims of New Age attitudinal healing have never been demonstrated, their occultic potential is clear; the common forms of practice are typically occultic, incorporating New Age philosophy and spiritistic revelations and contacts.

Occult texts frequently promote attitudinal healing. Medium Jane Robert’s spirit guide endorses it in The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book. The popular New Age bible called A Course in Miracles is also supportive. Both of these books are constituted from spiritistic revelations that were admittedly produced by occult means which the Bible forbids (Deuteronomy 18:9-12). These texts forcefully reject biblical teaching and promote occult philosophy and practice.

The danger of attitudinal healing is found in the adoption of occult philosophy and practice in the mistaken assumption it will bring physical, mental, and spiritual “health.”

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