The Science/Faith Connection

By: Jim Virkler; ©2007

Science issues connect to our Christian faith more significantly than ever before. Some discoveries of modern science are welcomed by Christians with great enthusiasm. Startling improvements in technology…medical advances…new discoveries in genetics…improved knowledge of the cosmos and the bio-system…marked improvement in product quality, to name a few. It’s an exciting age to be alive!

When the life of a loved one is saved or extended by advances in medical knowledge, most Christians see the advance as a gift enabled and given by God. On the other hand, scientific discovery extending our knowledge of the age of the universe or the history of life on this planet is greeted in some camps with suspicion and doubt because such discovery does not conform to cherished theological tradition.

Our goal for these posts will be to examine some of the issues, both scientific and theological, which engender misunderstanding, even disharmony, among God’s people. The goal is to come as close to truth as possible. Our model in this truth quest is none other than Christ Himself, who stated in John 18:37 “In fact, for this reason was I born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth.”

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